måndag 25 maj 2009

Im a old "tant"

Bella has started to call me "tant"(old lady in swedish), she says, -can you please help me down "tanten" or -Thank you so much "tanten" that was nice of you...and so on. And as from yesterday...I am a "tant"...I turned 35, now my younger days officially is over! I can no longer call my self a youth, how sad isn´t that?? *lol* but I really dont mind, dont feel a day older than 20 and that is whats counts right?!! (Please say yes!) ;)

I had a really nice birthday, I started the day with a treasurehunt that my SO had made for me, he had left me little notes all over the appartment, (he was out of town for a couple of days but wanted me to have my present anyway), I finally found the present hidden in one of the fireplaces (or tilestoves or what they are called?) it was a perfume, Gio de Armani, wich I love, but the thing was, I got that for christmas as well and had lots left, so today I went out and exchanged it for some new clothes instead (with his blessing of course). And later on my mother came over and had made a fantastic lunch for all of us, it was GI food (is it called that in english?) and it was sooo good, but to top it off she had bought me a cake, a Princesscake, my favourite (Yes Helen, Princess A has her own cake *lol*), it´s a green marsipancake with a pink rose on top! Yummy!! And Bella of course sang "Happy birthday" like 358 times *lol*...she is so sweet...and she always top it off with a big HURRAY!

Now lets leave my birthday and go on to some scrapping news! Nina has released 4 new items in the store today and they are fab, so run over to our Rocking girls blog and check it out, or why not directly to the store!! I made a page that has all 4 of the new items in it, and I was sooooo happy to se that it made the GSO @ DST! Always fun when you get noticed!

Have a fab day my friends!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Congrats on beeing 35 and for the GSO "tant" :) Kids are just lovely, aren´t they????

  2. WOW - that is such a gorgeous page!!!!

  3. OH wow congrats tant to your birthday:) and the page is just gorgeous!!

  4. Hehehe...what a lovely blog post. I have a big smile on my face. Glad you are a Princess and got to eat your cake too ;)

  5. Happy belated birthday! The notes to the gift must have been fun! Great scrapbook layout too!

  6. This layout is FABULOUS !!!
